Course Catalogue

Course Code: MSJ 344 (New)
Course Name:
Internal Communication
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

This course deals with the internal publics of the institution.  It is designed to help students learn about how communication takes place in an organizational setting – how an organization utilizes communication to achieve certain goals and how communication in an organization influences an organization’s goals.  The course will examine strategies for effective upward, downward and sideward communication.

Course Code: MSJ 345 (New)
Course Name:
Created Private Media
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

The course is designed to underscore the importance of created private media – the media for specialized and focused audience. With an emphasis on in-house journals, audio visual and online media products, the course also discusses other created private media such as educational literature, spoken words, seminars, conferences, company events and private exhibitions.

Course Code: MSJ 346 (New)
Course Name:
Speech Writing and Public Speaking
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

The course aims to provide students the essentials in public speaking including speech preparation, structure, delivery and the use of body language.  It is essential that students understand the importance of public speaking in the practice of Public Relations since practitioners are required to write and present speech every so often and for a variety of purposes.

Course Code: MSJ 401
Course Name:
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

This course will focus on the basics of writing good copy that gets the consumers’ attention. Students will be introduced to selecting the right techniques, interviewing techniques, creative thinking, the design and layout of newsletters, tools for editing and proof reading. Students will also be shown how to evaluate the effectiveness or non-effectiveness of an advertisement. On completion of the course, students will gain a greater understanding of the special requirements and planning required for writing long forma pieces as well as appreciate the level of intensity and effort required to write well, whether for advertising, design, or in real life.

Course Code: MSJ 401 (New)
Course Name:
Development Communication
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

The course addresses the major concepts of development communication, the different types and techniques of development support communication, the diffusion of innovation and role of communication in the areas of agriculture, health and community development. Moreover, the course will discuss campaign designing, media advocacy and the strategic use of the mass, indigenous and alternative media. The course will look into the various approaches in development communication – media-centered, participatory, ICT-oriented and knowledge-based.

Course Code: MSJ 402 (New)
Course Name:
Ethics in Media and Communication
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

This course will introduce students to the study of ethical issues in the media and communication. Students will develop an understanding and appreciation of these issues and the ability to analyze the important ethical issues involved with the mass media and communication industry of Bangladesh as well as in the world. Issues to be dealt with include sensationalism, yellow journalism, corruption, contempt of court and the protection of sources of information.  It will also tackle the code of ethics for journalists, researchers, media  and public relations professionals.

Course Code: MSJ 406
Course Name:
Research Methodologies
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

The course places an emphasis on the importance of research, research techniques and detailed discussion on the different stages of research for communications. Students will be required to write a research proposal. Emphasis will also be given to different methods of social science and communication researches e.g. survey, historical, experimental, focus group study, content analysis, participatory rural appraisal and evaluative research methods. Students will obtain details on questionnaire preparations and interviewing techniques – two vital components of survey methods. Students will have the scope to learn data analysis methods and techniques particularly the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) method as well as other statistical methods necessary for data analysis. On successful completion of this course, students will be in position to carry out any research work in their field of interest.

Course Code: MSJ 410
Course Name:
Media and the Law
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

The course is designed to present a general survey of the media laws in Bangladesh including a historical perspective, the socio-economic aspects as well as specific laws relating to the media. These include the issues of defamation, libel versus slander and how to avoid defamation suites. Also included are important issues such as copyright and piracy laws, censorship, press freedom and journalism related constitutional articles and clauses. The course will conclude with a consideration of international media law covering telecommunications and related matters and their applications in Bangladesh.

Course Code: MSJ 411
Course Name:
Freedom of Information and Access
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

With the introduction of the new media and their capacity to store, distribute and/or conceal information at ever increasing levels, the issues of privacy and access to information have become increasingly important. This course looks at issues of access and equity, privacy and personal usage of the media in a global context. It will also cover matters relating to e-government, e-governance and e-democracy and the formation of the electronic public sphere. Finally, the course will examine the various national government attempts to control access to information and at the same time protect the communications rights of the citizen.

Course Code: MSJ 411 (New)
Course Name:
Media and the Law
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

The course is designed to present a general survey of the media laws in Bangladesh including a historical perspective, the socio-economic aspects as well as specific laws relating to the media. These include the issues of defamation, libel versus slander and how to avoid defamation suites. This course also looks at issues of access and equity, privacy and personal usage of the media in a global and national context.
