Course Catalogue

Course Code: CSE 103 / CSE 103L
Course Name:
Structured Programming
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Introduction to Computer Programming, Problem solving techniques, algorithm specification and development. Programming style, debugging and testing, documentation. Program design methodologies, structured and modular program design.

Introducing computer language: Machine language, Assembly language, High-level language.

Programming Languages and Paradigms: Classification, assembler and translators, source and object programs. Structured language. Procedural and non-procedural programming, (nodular programming, object oriented programming.

Programming Language in C: Data types operators and conversions, Statements. Control structures, array of pointers, Structure, union and bit-field, External files.

Course Code: CSE 104
Course Name:
Structured Programming Laboratory
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in CSE 103.

Course Code: CSE 1102
Course Name:
Introduction to Programming
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Fundamental concepts of procedural programming. Algorithms and problem solving, data types, control structures, functions, arrays, files, and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging.


  1. Let Us C by Yashavant Kanetkar, Latest Edition
  2. Teach yourself C by Herbert Schildt, Latest Edition
Course Code: CSE 1201
Course Name:
Structured Programming
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Introduction to Basics of Computer and Programming, C Fundamentals. Introduction to C Programming (input, output, variables, data type, operators, and expressions). Structured Program Development in C: Basic of Flow Chart, Control Statements 1(if, if...else, switch, top-down and stepwise refinement). Program Control: Control Statements 2 (for, do…while, switch, break and continue), Nested Loop, Loop Control Statement (break, continue, goto). Introduction to Functions (Math Library Functions, Function Definitions, Function Prototypes and Argument, Recursive functions, References and Reference Parameters, passing arguments to functions and passing arguments by reference. Introduction to Arrays (Arrays, Declaring Arrays, Examples Using Arrays, Passing Arrays to Functions, arrays of strings), Searching Arrays, Sorting Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, passing multi-dimensional array directly to function. Pointers (Pointer Variable Declarations and Initialization, NULL Pointer, Passing Arguments to Functions by Reference with Pointers, Pointer Expressions and Pointer Arithmetic, Arrays of Pointers, Function Pointers). Characters and Strings (String Input, String Manipulation, Comparison Functions, Search Functions, and Memory Functions).

Course Code: CSE 1202
Course Name:
Structured Programming Lab
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Based on theory course.

Course Code: CSE 1203
Course Name:
Discrete Mathematics
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Mathematical logic: propositional logic, predicate logic, mathematical reasoning and proof techniques; set theory: sets, relations, partial ordered sets, functions; counting: permutations, combinations, principles of inclusion and exclusion; discrete probability; functions: recurrence relations and recursive algorithms; growth of functions; graph theory: graphs, paths, trees; algebraic structures: rings and groups

Course Code: CSE 1301
Course Name:
Data Structures
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Internal data representation; Abstract data types; elementary data structures: arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphs; basic data structures operations: traversal, insertion, deletion, searching, merging, sorting, tree; tree traversal and graph traversal; recursion and recursive algorithm, pattern matching; advanced data structures: heaps, Fibonacci heaps; search trees: binary search trees, AVL trees, multi-way search trees, sorting, hashing.

Course Code: CSE 1302
Course Name:
Data Structures Lab
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Based on Theory course.

Course Code: CSE 201 / CSE 202
Course Name:
Object Oriented Programming
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

C++ as an object oriented language. Introduction to C+ + , Comparison of C and C+ + , Declaration and constants, expression and statements, data type:;, operator, Functions, Objects: Properties, events, methods, messages, data members, member functions, constructor & distracter functions, friend functions. Classes: Base, Derived and virtual class, inheritance, encapsulation. Operator and function, over-loading (Run time and compile time polymorphism) Template, streams, files, C-M- Library functions; Introduction to JAVA programming language.

Course Code: CSE 203
Course Name:
Computer Organization and Architecture
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Study of architectural concepts in computer systems. Computer arithmetic and arithmetic logic unit design. Memories, memory hierarchies and dynamic address translation. CPU characteristics, performance factors. Control unit design: hardware and micro-program, microprogramming. Interrupt mechanism. DMA. Pipelining. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
